Hey Blog. Todays blog we're going to be talking about the apedemic and how its bringing our movie process to a stop. The apedemic going around is known as The Corona Virus. This virus is effecting many things in todays world. Doctors don't recommend being next to someone with the virusand possibly avoiding going into crowded places. The virus is causinng many stores and public places to shurtdown completly. This virus is bad for your health and businesses. But its also bad for the film world. Many television shows and movies aren't allowed to film. This isn't a good thing. Not only will these productions have major setbacks but these people are currently out of jobs. For example directors, producers, film crew, etc. This virus is making it very difficult to film, for my group and high scale companys around the world. My group and I were supposed to meet several times this weekend but our meetups had to postponed. My parents will not allow me to go out of the house. They are very protective of me and don't want to risk any chance of me getting the virus. The virus doesn't effect younger peoples immune system as much as people with weak immune systems, infants, and the elderly. So even if me or my group were to get it it wouldn't be fatal, just a bad cold. I'm trying to continue to work on the movie even though we aren't in school. I have many things to do like CCR and double checking everything in the movie. This "break" shouldn't be an excuse of why your movie isn't done.
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