Thursday, October 17, 2019

Editing Blog #3

       Hi guys I was absent the day that we learned and were taught about editing. I was sick and left to go home early. I didn't know what to write the blog about since I wasn't there, therefore, its late. Today we just have a period to make up work, finish assignments, and basically just a chiller period then usual. Aniyah gave me her notes that she took Monday and now I'm reviewing and using that for this new blog. Today is an early release day so I have less time than usual to complete this blog, but I'm gonna make sure I get it done. I've never really been great with editing and technology so I'm disappointed that I missed this class but I'll catch up through talking to my group partners and through notes. I also am probably gonna watch some Youtube videos on the subjects just to make sure, especially since I prefer filming.
     While looking at Aniyah's notes it look like they did a lot of stuff and that I missed some important things. They learned how to set up an actual camera and a tripod. The people I talked to said it was very interesting and surprising because there's more to filming then just setting up the camera and pressing go. After they learned how we were going to edit our commercial project. They used this site called "Pinnacle Studio." Aniyah's notes said its very similar to iMovie. I have used iMovie before for a couple things but I'm still not an expert on it. Another thing they were taught is how to insert an SD card into a computer and how to "dump in" all the footage. But from what I'm seeing in the notes the teacher was very descriptive and Anyiah takes really great notes.
        After learning all that, they were taught how to save and export the raw footage. In the past when I've tried its been kinda difficult once I was editing, on whatever I was working on, to export the final version so I hope this makes it less difficult for me. Anyiah says that it looks like a simple process but I'm not so sure. The teacher also taught them how to "render' everything. To be honest I didn't even know what rendering is but I searched it up and now I'm less confused. She also taught them how to look back at the commercial to make sure everything is edited correctly and looks good overall. This seems pretty hard but hopefully once I get into it and actually start editing I'll understand it better. But of course if anything I can ask my lovely group members for some help and we can work together. They probably are more informed on this topic then I am. But I have a lot of faith in our group and I believe our project will be just as amazing as they are. 

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